There are so many ways you can help!

We need individuals from all walks of life to provide their unique talents to aid in the achievement of HOPE’s mission. You can be as involved as you choose and tailor your volunteering to your lifestyle and schedule. We have both one-­time and ongoing volunteer opportunities.

We’d love to have you help! Click here to submit a volunteer form. Or read about opportunities and needs we have and then click at the bottom of the list to fill out the form (or to print off a paper copy that you can fill out manually and send it to us by email, regular mail or in person at an adoption site)

Foster parent ­ – Explore your nurturing side by providing a foster home for a homeless or orphaned animal. We are foster­ based, and we always need new fosters.


  • -age 21 or older
  • willing to foster until adoption (even if it takes a while)
  • willing to take the cat(s)/dog(s) back in the event of a return (thankfully this is not common, but we do ask you to be willing if needed)
  • if you’re a renter, you’ll need landlord approval
  • kitties have to be indoor only & not have contact with outdoor or indoor/outdoor pets
  • bring the cats/dogs to weekend adoption events at least twice a month
  • feed and care for the cats/dogs as if they were your personal pets
  • be able to take them to the vet if needed

HOPE covers the cost of general medical expenses for the animals in the program, such as altering, routine vaccinations and treatment for parasites. The foster families are asked to provide food, shelter and love to the animals for which they care. They receive no payment for the services that they provide. Without them, and the other volunteers who so selflessly do what is necessary to keep HOPE afloat, it would not be possible to run this nonprofit organization.

Adoption Counselor ­ – Are you good with people? Do you enjoy being a matchmaker? If so, you can assist families looking to adopt a new pet and help them find a love match.

Board or Committee – Use your leadership skills to provide guidance to one of our committees or to our board of directors. Below is a list of our committees

  • Cat Committee ­- makes decisions about the cats in our care, determines adoption policies for our cats and much more.
  • Dog Committee -­ makes decisions about the dogs in our care, determines adoption policies for our dogs, and much more.
  • Education Committee ­- holds learning events and brings in speakers for those in the rescue community as well as for the general public.
  • Feral Cat Committee -­ oversees the Trap Neuter Return program including loaning of equipment, vetting and advice on feral colony management.
  • Finance Committee ­- creates the budget and makes sure that all finances are in line, including expenses and income.
  • PR Committee -­ develops and implements an annual HOPE marketing plan, including our newsletter,  social media, and events. The goals of the marketing plan are to improve the visibility of HOPE throughout the community.
  • Development Committee ­- creates and supports fundraising events and activities.
  • Volunteer Committee -­ oversees our membership, including the annual membership mailing and dues, maintaining volunteer rosters, and recruiting new volunteers for HOPE.

On­site Cleaner

Newsletter writer

Event photographer

Dog walker (mostly at weekend adoption events)

Event planner or volunteer

Volunteer recruiter

Online fundraiser

Volunteer Educator­ – ­Develop promotional materials, educate youth about animal welfare

Pet taxi­­ – Help transport animals to adoption events

Adoption site volunteer – ­­we need everything from adoption counselors to kind souls willing to help with laundry

Garage Saleistas­­ – we need both volunteers and sale hosts

Feral cat trapper 

PR writer

We’d love to have you help! Click here to submit a volunteer form.

Don’t see anything here that speaks to your abilities? Submit a form and let us know your superpowers…we’ll figure out how to use them!

Spread the word. This is one of the most valuable things you can do…tell your friends, your coworkers, the person in front of you at the grocery store. Tell everyone! It is up to all of us to get the word out about HOPE so that we can provide good loving homes for our needy friends. Like us on Facebook. Share our posts. If you know anyone who is looking for a new pet, suggest they think adoption first.